I’ve been taking photos since I was a kid. I was definitely growing up on film cameras.
During the 80’s I had an Agfa fixed focus 110 film camera (the ones that you inserted a flash bulb cartridge atop of). I loved growing up on film cameras snapping away, pointing the camera at the things I was interested in (cars and birds…. yeah real birds. I was a geeky kid who bred budgies, finches and quail). I loved seeing my results after picking up the prints. There wasn’t anything technically I could do in camera to improve the images because it was fixed focus so it was all about composition.
It wasn’t too long ago that I developed a roll of film with all frames printed. Six years ago, actually.
I love to share my images on the internet, mainly through my social media channels, with my friends and peers. I love the digital experience.
A few weeks back, my Dad showed me a photobook he had made. A series of images with short descriptions of his and Mum’s trip to Europe and Japan last year. As I flipped each page, my senses were awakened. This was different to viewing pictures on a screen. I was not just visually stimulated, but the touch of the pages, the smell of the glue, the sheen on the pages… it reminded me of looking at a photo album.
It was inspirational!
I’d love to hear what you think. Please comment below or contact me.